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3|16 Is Now Available!

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The Authors’ Showcase

Out of the mind, onto the paper, into the world.

Our Start

A dear friend shared that she felt strongly I should coordinate a writer event in Orlando, Florida. I simply prayed about whether to host such an event and what dropped into my heart is the showcase was "more than a notion" – which became our first conference theme. 


I reached out to area authors and publishers and got their thumbs-up.
Next up, ministry leaders joined in as the logistical and administrative experts, and everything seemed to smoothly come together. The support and partnership from everyone was simply amazing.
Next thing I knew, I was being asked for the date and location of the next showcase. 


Our Start

Our Purpose

We have a passion to help authors birth and refine their literary work.
We're the premier platform for aspiring and published authors to share their project journeys; learn how to transition their literary work from concept to reality; impart wisdom on the basic and advanced elements of English literature and publishing; as well as provide literary entertainment for avid readers.

Our Purpose

Our Format

Published authors, literary, communications, marketing and publishing experts share their wisdom, knowledge, and journey to bringing a literary work from concept to reality. There's so much to share and learn; therefore, each speaker is allocated time to impart. Time is also scheduled for our program partners and members to hold one-on-one sessions with attendees, as well as autograph, market and sell their materials.

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© 2022 by The Authors’ Showcase

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